Breaker Rock Beach VBS 2024

  • There are currently no events available for registration.

Attendee Information

Getting to know your child:

Parent/Guardian Information

Tip: First and Last

As the parent or legal guardian of the above-mentioned child, I understand that unless I am a registered and verified VBS volunteer for Springview Community Church, there is a dedicated parent area for me to wait in and I will not be able to walk around to secured areas.

Tip: We strive to keep your children and our church as safe as possible, and part of that is limiting interaction to only background checked individuals after check in.

During Vacation Bible School, we will be taking pictures and video of the children during activities. Your child will be in some of the photos / videos. During Vacation Bible School, pictures will be posted on our public Instagram and Facebook page to show our parishioners and community how much fun the children are having at VBS. The pictures and video will be used for these purposes ONLY.